I love EVERYTHING that this picture says and I couldn't be prouder! I'm a huge fan of reading and I love books. As a parent, one can only hope that your child/ren gets the good qualities of you and my love for reading (in my opinion) is one such quality.
This little boy loves to be read to and loves to look at all the pictures in his books.
I bought this chair as a chair for watching t.v. but he hasn't been that interested in t.v. (hopefully it stays that way) and it's ended up next to the bookshelf. I can usually find him in this chair quietly looking at books during the day.
However, as boys will be boys, he has fashioned another use for his chair....
[Note: He can reach the books on the second shelf just fine without standing on the chair---but apparently, it's just cooler to stand on the chair to pick your books.]
I laugh everytime I see this picture because this literally is his "don't bother me I'm reading" pose. Whenever he's reading and doesn't want to be bugged he puts the book up close to his face like this so people won't distract him while he's reading. This kid is just too much!!!