Dex is now 9 months old. Where has the time gone? It's amazing this little guy has been in my life almost a year now. He's a happy baby who is social, loves to be with his cousins and is way too happy at 6 a.m. to be my kid. :)

He's now about 20 lbs. and sitting on his own. He's rolling everywhere and somedays I can get him to entertain the idea of getting on all fours until he realizes that it wasn't his idea. He's already a very determined baby and when he sees something he wants he does everything he possibly can to get it. When he learns to crawl, I am officially toast!
Here's a few random pics of what Dex has been up to.
Hanging out with Uncle Billy
Playing with Logan
Chillin' with Lucky
(which by the way...when Dex is upset about having to be in his carseat while we drive home, I ask him if he wants to go see Lucky and instantly he smiles and stops fussing - He loves this dog)
And last but not least, LOTS AND LOTS of bubble baths!!
Thank you! I saw the cutest picture of Logan and Declan in the sink bath together on Mands' blog and wanted to see more!