He's currently obsessed with Scooby-doo so naturally a Scooby-doo birthday cake was in order. Our family came over for a small party including a scavenger hunt, lunch and cake-n-ice-cream. The kids had a blast on the scavenger hunt. Next time, it will be more than four clues --- I know that now. LOL
He had such a fun day with his cousins and aunt and uncles. This kid loves to be social -- especially with his awesome relatives.
This kid LOVES to dress up. He cycles regularly through: Hulk, Spiderman, Franceur (The Monster from A Monster in Paris, a cartoon he watches), Velman Dinkley from Scooby-doo, Captain Feathersword, and he's pretty much game for anything else if it means he gets to dress up.
Dex and his vampire teeth.
Beware: He hasn't quite mastered keeping his vampire teeth in so when he plays vampire he accidentally loses them and slimes your arm or your shirt.
I asked him what he was doing to which he replied, "Look mom, I turned into a vampire." I think we might need to lay off the Scooby-doo vampire stuff for awhile.

This kid kills me!
Declan's little buddy/cousin --Coco-- comes over regularly to hang out with us. Actually, what happens is she sees our front door open behind our screen door and then she camps out on our porch until we let her in. It's the cutest thing.
She is the CUTEST little thing ever, I swear! (I tell her mother that every day, literally). But how can you not just absolutely adore this cute little girl?!
She comes over and shares our treats and today it also included sharing a chair. They were eating their pudding pops and they insisted on sitting in the same chair together. (Which is a miracle due to their current frenemy thing they've got going on).
Awww...what cuties!!
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